Sunday, July 20, 2008

The beach and Old Fort Erie

On our last day of vacation, we went to the beach and to Old Fort Erie. Dane didn't have much to do with the water at first, he was more interested in playing in the sand. Then he kept filling buckets with sand and dumping them in the water. All of a sudden, he was running and splashing around! We were very glad to see that, because last year he was very scared of the water. He was a big ham for the camera too!

I could not get Abel to look at me, this was the best shot I was going to get!
He was much happier in the stroller than he was in the water!

After the beach, we found a park and had a picnic lunch. We let the boys play on the playground for a while, and then we headed to Old Fort Erie. It was neat to see, and Dane seemed to enjoy it. We were in the fort where the soldiers slept, and Eric found this old wool vest hanging on one of the beds. We had Dane put it on and sit on the bed for a great photo op.

Abel rode in the backpack the whole time. It was really his naptime, so he was much happier being carried.
I love how Abel was peering over Eric's shoulder!
Here is Dane in another part of the fort - the supply room.
We were all alone in the room, and Dane was having a great time looking around. Then, somone who works there (all dressed up in period garb) came in and asked if he wanted to get dressed up. He very shyly said yes, which surprised me. He got dressed, with lots of my help, and then turned VERY shy. This was the picture I got of him after a minute of trying to get him to smile!

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