Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Jorgensen's Pizzeria

The kids and I made homemade pizza the other night (Daddy's favorite). They really enjoyed helping me, and Abel loved being on the counter, as usual. And tasting all the toppings... Here he is after he licked the spoon from the dough...he takes after his mom!
Such concentration on Dane's face!

They worked together pretty well, but Abel didn't want his own pizza to top - he wanted to do the one that Dane was working on! Big surprise...

And here they are showing me their pepperoni!

All Done - Bon Appetit!


Kate said...

What a great stay at home mom you are. I remember making homemade pizza every week when i was a kid. But instead of mom would put hot dogs on it. Isn't that just gross? Guess Hot Dogs were cheaper than pepperoni.

Cassy said...

Sorry, Maggie. That just does not sound good.