Thursday, June 12, 2008

About our blog....

After receiving a blog from one of my friends (thanks, Kate!), I have decided that writing a blog would be such a wonderful idea. I can keep family and friends updated on what is going on with us. Although I wish I had time to call everyone personally with updates, Dane and Abel keep me very busy (Eric and Moose too!). I will try my best to keep this updated fairly frequently with important events, and happenings from our everyday lives as well. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Kate said...

What a fantastic idea, that Kate sure is a thinker. Too bad she stole the idea from her sister, who stole the idea from her cousin...

I love it. Now I can feel like I am there with you on a daily basis. This new techno stuff is so much cooler than letters and the old fashioned regular email.
