After Eric's weekend fishing and camping, we set up the tent in our back yard to dry out. The boys had a ball playing in it, which they did most of Monday morning. They were hot and sweaty from running around in that hot box, and they wanted something to drink. They were being so good, I thought I could run into the house quickly and get them some juice boxes. Mistake #1.
As I was coming back out, I saw Dane hitting the tent with something and heard Abel laughing hysterically. I quickly realized that it was a tent stake. There was a bag with extra tent stakes in it that I left in the tent. Mistake #2.
I told Dane to stop, which he did. And then he just stood there, which made me wonder...what did he do? When I got to the tent, my brain understood what he had done, but I couldn't say a word. I was dumbfounded. This is what I saw.....
I don't know if you can really tell what happened, but he poked holes (yes, that's plural) in one of the windows of the tent. Some of them were just punctures, others looked like he punctured the screen, and then pulled down to make a long slit in the screen. All together, there were probably 15 holes. All in a matter of minutes. The picture doesn't do it justice.
And Dane would like to point out that he made only 1 hole in the tent itself. That was nice.
This following picture shows my nice sewing work. I recalled my days at Dermatology Associates of West Michigan, where I did some work putting sutures in skin excisions (I'd like to give a shout out to Dr. Lamberts - the best dermatologist in Grand Rapids -for the fine teaching he did!). I have to say, they turned out pretty well. It took me about an hour to fix all the holes.
All done!!!
This is the face I saw as I was sewing it up. He looks so innocent, he couldn't possibly had anything to do with this...
Hopefully Dane learned his lesson and won't do anything like that again. Yea right....