Sunday, August 3, 2008

972 Pinnacle Court

Well, we our on our way to getting into the new house! We've had a couple glitches with our house in Lowell, but I think everything is set now. We have a tentative closing date for the house in Lowell August 15, and then we have to be out by September 1. Our closing date for the new house is the end of August, but hopefully we can do it sooner if everything is ready. They still need to put in a driveway, but everything else is ready. We just ordered our appliances yesterday, and they will be delivered when we get in. Boy, can that add up in a hurry!

We learned that we need a new furnace in our current home. We knew that we needed to have someone come out and hook up our new condensation pump, but when they got here, they discovered a crack on the inside of the furnace. The buyers already had their inspection, and apparently their inspector didn't see that (you could see some black soot on one of the pipes coming out of the furnace, which was caused by water dripping into the crack). We are having the furnace replaced on Tuesday, and the buyers are helping us out with the cost, which we appreciate. I told Eric that we may need to run it a few times before we leave just to say that we got some use out of it! Nevermind that it is August.

Hopefully everything goes well from here. We had the inspection of the new house on Friday, and that went very well. We are very excited to move, and it is all becoming much more real to me now that August is here, and we only have 4 more weeks to live here! We are planning on having a yard sale on Saturday, so I am determined to sell as much as we can. We know what we want to take, and what we will have room for. There will probably be plenty of things that we move that we probably won't want once we get there. The boys are going to Jackson for a few days this week, and Eric will be gone to St. Louis Tuesday - Thursday, so I should be able to get a TON of stuff packed and sorted for the yard sale. I hope that the weather is nice for us, and we get plenty of traffic. Lowell is having their fair this week (ends Saturday), so we should get a ton of traffic from that.

We don't have any pictures yet, and the house is not listed anymore so I can't post a link. We will get some soon, and post when we can!!

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