Monday, March 16, 2009

Flu Bugs....Be Gone!

Shoo, flu bugs! After a winter of being fairly healthy, March hit us hard. It started out with the cold that everyone was passing around, leading into the nagging two week cough. We were almost done with that, and Dane got pink-eye. Went back to the doctor the next week with Abel for a double ear infection.

Eric and Dane went to the monster truck show in Grand Rapids on March 8, and had something there to eat that didn't agree with them, and you can guess what happened. The next Saturday, Eric got the flu, and I ended up getting it the next day. That Saturday happened to be Nikki's birthday, so we had planned to meet in Battle Creek for dinner. Eric didn't go, and my Dad wasn't there either (you guessed it, the flu). Nikki got it on Sunday just like I did. We all had a little different set of symptoms, but it was unmistakably the FLU.

Eric left today for Madison, WI for the week. I hope that the boys sail through and don't get it, otherwise I'm in for a LONG week!

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